「ウェブ時代をゆく」を読んで思い出したことをいろいろ書いていましたが、ロールモデルに関して書いてみたいと思います。 私のロールモデルとなっているのは、ほとんど話したことがない、見たことない人だということです。 KPCBのジョン・ドーア氏もあったことも見たこともありません。
最近は、(Daveさんのブログの)シリコンバレーの若きベンチャーキャピタリスト Top5 の中の二人のベンチャーキャピタリストをウォッチしている。
- Danny Rimer(Index Ventures)「いつもアウトサイダーの立場で考える」
36歳。代表的な投資先は、FON、Last.fm、MySQL、Skypeなど。 - Roelof Botha(Sequoia Capital)「天才数学者&メンター」
33歳(!)。PayPal IPO時のCFO。代表的な投資先は、YouTube、Joost、Meeboなど。
の2名だ。 また、ネット関連など投資をみても、Sequoia Capital と Index Ventures は良い投資をしていて、ベンチャーキャピタルファームを今後運営する上で投資戦略やチーム構成など大変参考になる。 特にIndexi Ventures はヨーロッパのベンチャーキャピタル。拠点はスイスのジュネーブとUKのロンドンだ。 Rimer 兄弟(3人)がフォームを経営。長男の方は、グロービスの堀さんとHBSの同級生だ(堀さんのブログにたまに登場します)。
MySQL、Skype 、 Netvibes などグローバルの活躍する企業が生まれてきている。それを支援しているのが、Index Venturs だ。 シリコンバレーのように数多くのベンチャーキャピタルがあるわけでもないし、ヨーロッパのIT産業って? と思う人が多いだろう。
Index Ventures is dedicated to working with entrepreneurs who have the drive and ability to build world-class technology companies that can become global players in their market.
私は投資家という株主だーというベンチャーキャピタルではなく、起業家ともに歩む、ベンチャーキャピタルを目指しています。 Ownershipに関しては、「We do not seek to control a company through ownership. Our objective is to back founders and managers who wish to control their own destinies.」とあります。
Geographic Focus
We can and do invest globally, although our primary focus is on Europe. Our offices, located in Geneva and London, allow us to reach most European destinations within a couple of hours. Outside Europe, we co-invest with proven, local venture capitalists with whom we have long-standing working relationships and in companies seeking a value-added investor to complement their local investor base.
(Index Ventures はヨーロッパがフィールドならば、我々はアジアをフィールドにする。日本に加え、中国、USなどにも投資活動をおこなっていく。中国などは共同投資という形で関係をつくっていく といったことを考えています)
We focus on investing in technology and life sciences. These are markets in which we have direct experience and where our advisors, limited partners and our extensive networks can bring significant additional value to our portfolio companies.
(この分野はファームにyとて異なりますが、Digital Media & Technology セクターでチャレンジしていきたいと思っています。
Preferred Stage of Investment
Our initial investment focus is on series A and B rounds. As our portfolio companies have matured, we have continued to support them with later stage investments. We are also open to investing in more established businesses who would like to partner with us to accelerate their growth.
Investment Size
Our typical investment size is €3 to €10 million although we sometimes invest as little as €250,000 in seed rounds and as much as €30 million in a growth-stage company. We seek to invest €5 to €20 million in a company over the life of an investment. We prefer to take lead positions and an active board seat, supporting the management team with whatever resources and skills
そして、参考になるは、Distinction のところだ。悪い投資家ということが最初にあるのが面白い。
One of the biggest mistakes a start-up can make is selecting the wrong investor for the wrong reasons. The wrong investor on the wrong terms will jeopardize(危険にさらす) the prospects for your business.
A good venture capitalist will contribute far more than just money. Beyond issues of valuation, seek investors who can:
- Offer advice as a strategic thought-partner,
- Bring help with hiring and recruitment of engineers, sales people, senior personnel and relevant advisors,
- Make introductions to key partners,
- Bring your business profile and visibility,
- Help to internationalize your business,
- Assist with exit optimization.
Since the early 1990's, Index Ventures has been dedicated to building world-class information technology and life sciences companies. As one of the early venture firms in Europe, we are committed to the development of the venture capital industry across the continent and UK.
Read the stories on our website for more information about some of the ways we have been able to help the companies we have invested in.
We seek out excellence in all of the people we work with. We believe in partnering with the entrepreneurs we back and in bringing to bear all of our collective resources and relationships in helping them build their companies.
Our team has deep technology and scientific understanding and experience. We seek investments with unique value propositions.
We are entirely focused on investing in the equity of young technology companies.
The success of the teams we have backed is our greatest source of pride. Since launching our first fund in 1996, we have helped launch many successful companies that have completed landmark IPOs and trade sales. We are also proud of our reputation for dedication, integrity and high standards.
Index has built and cultivated long-standing relationships with the world's leading IT and healthcare companies. We view these relationships as a source of competitive advantage for our portfolio companies.
Our firm was started in 1996 by individuals who saw the opportunity to adapt the California venture capital model to Europe, and who were committed to the creation of great, long-lasting technology companies in Europe. This remains our commitment today and will remain so in the future.