Facebookを去るMatt Cohlerに独占インタビュー (Techcrunch)
Techcrunch ではなんとビデオインタビューまで掲載されています。それもスクリプトつき。英語の勉強にも最適です。
Benchmark の組織構造を見ると非常に勉強になります。通常のベンチャーキャピタル会社はシリコンバレーでも階層構造になるのが一般的だと思います。 新任パートナーに等分の報酬を分けるというのは勇気の要ることです。
そして、はっきり言って、新米ベンチャーキャピタリストとして、Benchmarkのパートナーより有利なポストはなかなか考えつかない。 Benchmarkは一流ベンチャーキャピタルであるだけでなく、Sequoia CapitalやKleiner Perkinsなど他の大手VCとは異なり、すべてのパートナーが平等に利益の配当を受けるシステムを採用している。他のライバルのVCでは新任のパート ナーが先任メンバーなみの配当を受けられるようになるまで何年もかかる。Cohlerは最初からBenchmarkの他のパートナーと同額の報酬を受ける ことができる。
以下、英語の本文(スクリプト)のところですが、このやりとりも面白い。 報酬はいくらなんだ!みたいな突っ込みはイケてます。若いベンチャーキャピタリストを抜擢する度量があり、それが重要だと考えている点は見習うべき点ですし、実際 インフィニティ・ベンチャーズも小野も私も33歳。田中は38歳 と 30台のチーム。 Benchmark を模範としてイコールパートナーシップを採用しています。 勉強になります。
BG: No, we didn’t get any Facebook stock. Benchmark is a venture firm that has a rather unique structure that we talk about from time to time, it’s an equal partnership structure, so there’s not a lot of people in this office. Most importantly we don’t have what you would call a farm system for bringing talent on, so a lot of the other firms hire a lot of young people out of MBA programs, they develop them, they let them ride shot gun as they go to board meetings; they have a way to promote people
MA: But they don’t make a lot of money, they don’t get a lot of carry necessarily.
BG: Exactly. Here, for reasons that the founders felt would create a much better team working environment, we split the pie equally.
MA: So how big was the pie last year would you say?
BG: I am not going to answer that.
BG: But anyway, as a result we have to find an alternative way to create generational change and bring new partners on. You can’t sit around with the same partners forever if you want a venture firm to be successful year in year out. Plus, we have a very strong philosophy that young people are going to have a big impact on the industry, and always will. When I came on board I was 32.
MA: Matt you are 31?
MC: Yes.
BG: We have a constant desire within the firm to think about who out there is going to be a strong venture capitalist, and also comes from a younger generation. It is something that we also feel helps raise the bar, because if you are going to divide the pie equally, you only want to bring on people who you think will make the pie bigger. So you ask why we weren’t in Facebook… we have had Matt on the list for well over a year now, so he is someone that we have been impressed by.
MA: Who else is on that list? Am I on that list?
BG: (laughter) You might be on the list, it is a confidential list.
MA: Is there some sort of initial period where Matt has to prove himself, bring in a big initial investment? He is just in? If he sort of does nothing, you can’t get rid of him?
BG: That is right, but we have a high degree of confidence that that won’t happen.