DEMOやEnterprise Venturesの要素は、NILSに少しづつですが、まずは取り入れていく方向性で検討することにして、 あとは、 チャーチルクラブ のようなイベントですね。 月1-3回くらいのイベントがある。パネルを中心に開催されています。 (参加したことがないので詳細不明)
The Churchill Club is Silicon Valley's premier business and technology forum.
The 5,000-member, nonprofit organization has built a reputation for
dynamic, in-the-news programs featuring Silicon Valley CEOs,
up-and-coming executives and national business leaders. The events
regularly draw more than 400 attendees and give members the opportunity
to network with the best of Silicon Valley.
Video Goes Internet - The Future of What You Watch
Rob Bennett, General Manager, MSN Entertainment and Video Services, Microsoft
Jennifer Feikin, Director of Google Video, Google
Blake Krikorian, Founder & CEO, Sling Media
John Papanek, Senior Vice President and Editorial Director, ESPN New Media
Ben White, Vice President, Digital Media, MTV
Frank Rose, Contributing Editor, Wired Magazine
The Internet is destroying all the old bottlenecks that have
limited TV viewing choices for decades. It goes beyond putting
consumers in control of the box - the trend in television since the
introduction of the remote, the VCR, TIVo, and most recently Slingbox -
to turning consumers into content creators. When 21-year-old David
Lehre has a Web hit with "MySpace: The Movie" and lands a development
deal with MTVU, suddenly industry connections and big-time distribution
seem a lot less important. What does this do to television? Does it
become a user-generated medium, like the Internet? Meanwhile, ABC, NBC
and CBS are peddling their prime-time hits alongside user-generated
content on iTunes and Google Video. Will Hollywood movie studios
similarly embrace such platforms? These powerful shifts are sparking a
new boom in content. Come hear these leaders in the
"Video-Goes-Internet" revolution tell us what's in store online.
- Registration: 06:00 PM
- Buffet: 06:00 PM
- Program: 07:00 PM
チャーチルクラブのようなイベントであれば、NILSを小さくした感じですので企画できますね。 NILSとの位置づけをどうするか?という点が難しいところですが、ちょっと企画してみようと思います。