- Plaxo CEO Ben Golub 氏
Ben Golub is the President and Chief Executive Officer for Plaxo. Prior to joining Plaxo, he was Senior Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Affairs for VeriSign, Inc. In his eight years at VeriSign, he also served as Senior Vice President of the security and payments business and General Manager of VeriSign’s managed security services business. In these roles, Ben managed worldwide sales, marketing, product development, support, operations, and business development activities. Prior to VeriSign, Ben held a number of product development, operations, and business development roles at companies such as Avid Technology, Inc., and Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Ben holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Masters in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He graduated with a B.A. in Public Policy from Princeton University, and holds a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) accreditation.
- UIEvolution Founder and CEO 中島 聡 氏
(Future of Internet TV)
- Brightcove, Inc. Founder and CEO Jeremy Allaire 氏(初)
Jeremy founded Brightcove in early 2004 with a vision for the transformation of television with the Internet. As Chairman and CEO of Brightcove, Jeremy leads the company's technology, marketing and business development strategy. Prior to founding Brightcove, Jeremy worked as a technologist and entrepreneur-in-residence for Cambridge, MA-based venture capital firm General Catalyst, where he worked on companies and investments in broadband media, mobile content, e-commerce software and digital identity. Before General Catalyst, Jeremy was Chief Technology Officer of Macromedia, where he helped define and launch the Macromedia MX platform for Rich Internet Applications, helping to evolve Macromedia Flash into a dominant platform for rich media applications on the Internet. Jeremy joined Macromedia with its merger with Allaire Corporation, where Jeremy was a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer. Founded in 1995, Allaire Corporation was a pioneer in using the web as an application platform, and its industry leading and award winning products power millions of websites, online services and business applications on the Internet.
- Adobe Systems Incorporated Director of Emerging Market Investments 田中章雄 氏
(Future of Web Application )
- Netvibes.com CEO and Founder Tariq Krim氏(初)
(ネット広告 系)
- Adbrite CEO Iggy Fanio 氏
Omnitel Inc. CEO Henry Kim 氏 (韓国)
- 株式会社サイバーエージェント 取締役 高村 彰典 氏(初)
- 株式会社ディー・エヌ・エー 取締役 モバイル事業部長 守安 功 氏(2回目)
- 株式会社ディーツー コミュニケーションズ 取締役COO 宝珠山 卓志 氏
- 株式会社インタースパイア 代表取締役社長CEO 早川 与規 氏(2回目)
- 株式会社アクロディア 代表取締役社長 兼 CEO 堤 純也 氏(初)
- Picsel Technologies K.K. 代表取締役 Ali Adnan 氏
- Adobe Systems Incorporated Director of Emerging Market Investments 田中章雄 氏(3回目)
- Plaxo CEO Ben Golub 氏
- 株式会社カカクコム 取締役CTO 安田 幹広 氏 (初)
- Yong Hyoung, Chief Executive Officer,Enfra Networks (Beedeo.com)
- Pandora TV (韓国) CFO Michael Byungchul Hong 氏
- 株式会社CELL 代表取締役副社長 坂本 義親 氏
- グリー株式会社 代表取締役社長 田中良和 氏
- +1名予定
- 株式会社オプト 代表取締役CEO 海老根 智仁 氏
- 株式会社オールアバウト 代表取締役社長兼CEO 江幡 哲也 氏
- 株式会社サイバードホールディングス グループCEO 堀 主知ロバート 氏
- 株式会社セプテーニ 代表取締役社長 佐藤 光紀 氏
- 株式会社ディー・エヌ・エー 取締役COO 川田尚吾 氏
- 株式会社ワークス・アプリケーションズ 代表取締役最高経営責任者 牧野 正幸 氏
- 株式会社グロービス・マネジメント・バンク 代表取締役 岡島 悦子 氏